Monday, September 8, 2008

In Very Very Hot Waters

Phew!! Finally the 2 hellish week is over. However, dark clouds of regrets and khek sim surrounds me. Our math tutor discussed the mid term paper with us, and.......... damn it. The questions looks like kacang puteh. We got our tutorial homework today, and which we should've gotten it 2 weeks ago, and guess what, 2 of the questions that came out in our mid term is in the tutorial questions. AArrrggghhhhh!!!!!!!! If those questions are in my hand, I wouldn't have lost 20 marks in the mid term just like that. Eventhough its not confirmed that I'll score the 20 marks, at least I'll know how to do a part of it rather than knocking the walls blindly. Its really a twist of fate. Sigh, no mood to do those questions now.

The very same feeling of lost and wasted also applied to my other subjects. I'll admit that one of the subjects that I did badly was my own mistake. But I'll swear that if the same type of question came out in the finals, I'll never get that part wrong.

On a happier note, my Fluids was rather OK. Did myself justice on the paper. When I sat in the room, I sat between 2 people who i had confident will do well in the test and I could compare my answer with. (Although its wrong in exams. Oh what the heck) That part seems good until, our lecturer Dr. Willie said, "Come, you sit in front". No words could describe me as I obediently follow is orders and sat in front of the class. In which the front was arranged like a spear head. I was isolated from my fortress. Its both a good thing and a bad thing, but overall I'm satisfied with my performance but still need to wait for the results before can be completely assured.

Had put much much more effort in my studies. My time for anime has drop significantly. Damn it. Been really busy and hectic with studies. For someone who has a lazy bone this is really hard. But taking a positive side, at least it made me more hardworking.


Anonymous said...

Aiyo. Dun worry so much la.still got final ma.

KiraWing said...

Let me give you a rough idea about the finals question. A simple substitution question. 5 brains and 1 hour. The question remains unsolved and fumes came out from all 5 brains. Got hope for finals??